How to do Hair Transparent Background in Photoshop 2025
Hair transparent background in an image may be one of the most used tasks in Photoshop. In short, an eCommerce retailer, photographer, or advertising and marketing professional knows how many times they use this to make their photo more eye-catchy to clients. Also, it is known as Photoshop Masking as well. Here I will try to show you how to do hair transparent background step by step.
Also, it may be not very pleasant to the transparent background from hair if you don’t recognize several of Photoshop’s particular eraser tools. In summary, trying to remove hair background may be time-ingesting and turn out to be smashing your unique photo if completed incorrectly. This Photoshop tutorial will teach you to do hair transparent background using the background eraser tool. Also, if you’ve known the way to take away the background from hair in Photoshop 2022, you’ll be ready to tackle any image as you want.
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat is transparent background in Photoshop?
Transparent background in Photoshop is often a diminished experience with the primary image, inclusive of a logo, within side the deception. Sometimes, an image looks better without the background or in transparent background. Trying to address the venture without the proper tools like adobe Photoshop could make even the maximum professional photographers frustrated. A photo with a transparent background looks more distinctive and unique. Most of the images you can find in the format of the PNG transparent background of the backdrop are diaphanous.

Step-1: Open model photography
To make hair transparent background in Photoshop, you first open the model photography in Photoshop 2022. But you have to be careful about the model hair image being seamlessly visible there. I am using a model photography female here. In Photoshop, first, click on File>open.

Step-2: Create a duplicate layer
Now create a duplicate layer for hair transparent background. Go to your layer panel by choosing windows>layers. By relating the Layers panel icon on the right side, you can do the same thing. Make sure the Blocked Background layer is selected. Now open the layer panel menu in the above-left corner with three small lines. Choose the duplicate layer from the drop-down menu.

Step-3: Create a high contrast layer background
You have to create a high contrast background layer for hair transparent background in this stage. Click on the plus icon at the lowest point of the layer to create a new layer. Double click on the foreground color for the color dialogue box. Then you can find it in your toolbar. So, You have to choose a high contrast background color from the color sliders to reverse your original image background color. Also, you must use a high contrast color for the hair’s transparent background because you can effortlessly see how a good deal of the background is sincerely transparent as you work.

After selecting your color, click on your new layer and pick out Edit > Fill from the drop-down menu on the pinnacle of the Photoshop window. You can use SHIFT+F5 as a shortcut of keys for windows. Pick a foreground color at 100% from the appeared dialogue box. When your new layer is filled with background color, you have to move the layer among background copy and background layer. You can do that in another process too. Grabbing the brand new layer and dragging it till it pops into the vicinity among the Background layers.
Step-4: Select background erase tool
The Photoshop background erase tool works by sampling the color from the image. It samples the colors to erase them, after which it erases one’s pixels with the aid of matching them with the sampled color. Whenever you click on the photograph to erase its components, it samples the colors to erase. Click on the Photoshop erase tool and hold, then a sidebar appears. Choose the Background eraser tool from this. You can also do it by hitting E.

Step-5: Select Discontinuously and Protect Foreground option
Now, pick the Background Color from the toolbar and choose the image’s background color for the usage of the Color Picker within side the pop-up box. By selecting Background Eraser Tool, you can see three little buttons within side the Options Bar on the pinnacle of the Photoshop window after the brush size. These decide how the background may be sampled: Continues, Once, or the usage of a Background Swatch. Since the unique photograph has a strong background, pick the third choice named Background Swatch. You have to make sure that Discontinuous and Protect Foreground options are selected. These placing’s make sure the pinnacle layer will stay independent from the bright blue background layer as you edit and eliminate hair from the Photoshop background.

You can also see two other options in the options bar during this work. One is brushed preset, and another one is Tolerance. Set your brush size as its need for your image and Tolerance set on 50%. For a hair transparent background, you have to balance preset and Tolerance. You have to go back on the layers panel and ensure that your background copy is picked.
Step-6: You Erase hair background with your background erase tool
At this time, you can erase the area around the hair by using a background eraser tool to make the transparent background. Erase background from an image is not a big deal if you follow this process step by step. Now, you have a few steps more to erase the background.
So, you have to set the tolerance level based on the colors in the foreground image for your need. Also, you can use the tolerance level from 20% to high for the face and hand. You have to continue erasing till you’ve got an outline around your complete subject. Once you’ve erased the area without delay around your subject, you could boom your brush length, and Tolerance also put off the rest of the background.

Step-7: Replace the background
Now that you have discovered the way to hair transparent background in Photoshop. Turn lower back into your Layers panel and conceal the bright color layer and the authentic Background layer with the aid of using clicking at the Eye icon after every layer. Now you have a transparent hair background, and you may insert any background you want into the photo. Or you may replica this photo and put it into every other photo. You could replace your original photo backgrounds with emblem colorings or more unique, complicated backgrounds.
Photoshop remove background is the first step for making transparent background in your photo. First, have to remove the background and then make it transparent.

Step-8: Save as a transparent background.
This is the final step of making hair transparent background. If you followed the above process perfectly, you have already done your 90% work. In this section, you have to save the photo as a .png formation. If you save it in this format, your removed background photo is already replaced by transparent background. So, this is a way to do transparent hair background in a photo.
There is also have another tool in Photoshop for making transparent background. Please see the following step for this technique.

Hair transparent background using refine edge tools in Photoshop
In complex situations like hair transparent background, refining the edge tool in Photoshop helps you a lot. Refine edge Photoshop tool is powerful to tweak and smooth up edges. Making the selection of image subjects in Photoshop is not so easy. By using refine edge tool, you can do your job done quicker. This tool can detect every edge during hair selection. For this reason, you can get your perfect photo as you want. So, let’s begin to learn our new refine edge tool in Photoshop.
What is Refine edge in Photoshop?
For the first time, Adobe Photoshop CS3 relies upon a feature named Photoshop Refine edge. To make the preliminary selection perfect, this feature was added. But CS5 it’s getting updated by tools and characteristics. Now fur, hair, and different multifaceted choices are easy because of the dragging refine edge brush tool. If you work with hair or this type of subject in an image, the refine edge tool gives you an extra benefit to doing the work faultlessly. For any kind of refining in a photo, this tool is a must be needed item. Though, Select and Mask have been ways desirable than Refine Edge, which changed into now no longer accepted with the aid of using everyone.
How to use Refine Edges tool in Photoshop
Refine edge tool has numerous blessings and disadvantages. Like different Photoshop tools, you want to be cautious each time deciding on a selected feature. Moreover, you want to determine whether or not an image is eligible to apply for smooth edges in Photoshop. Nonetheless, this is not usually an easy challenge to do. Sometimes, you need to revise the complete procedure. This educational demonstrates how to choose and use Refine Edge equipment with a perfect example.
If you are doing hair transparent background by refining the edge tool for the first time, follow our article carefully. It will surely help you do your project smoothly.
Step-1: Make a duplicate layer
The best way to make a duplicate layer in Photoshop is to press Command>j. For Photoshop duplicate layer can right-click on the background layer, after which pick Duplicate Layer from the menu. In addition, there’s additionally a Duplicate Layer choice within side the pinnacle menu under layer. While now no longer strictly necessary, growing a duplicate layer guarantees which you constantly have the unique to head returned to in case you make a mistake
Step-2: Make a selection around the hair
Adobe Photoshop has some first-rate selection tools, including the Magic Wand tool, the Quick Selection tool, the Object Selection tool, and pen tool, etc. There’s even an exquisite new Subject Selection tool up within side the toolbar subsequent to Select and Mask. Now you can start your selection around the hair known as clipping paths. Just make certain you’re running on your duplicate layer. If you’ve selected a topic with a solid background, the choice element must be easy. Once you’ve made your selection, look at the subject’s edges and connect any regions your tool won’t become right. Upload your selection with the aid of holding the SHIFT key down without any difficulty.

Step-3:Open select and mask tool
Now it’s time to use the select and mask photoshop tool. At the pinnacle right of any selection tool can be the Select and Mask choice withinside the toolbar. Just click on this. You can choose view mood from there. On the right, you can find it. I will suggest you select the red overlay option for this. If you are in a select mask mood, you can see the refine edge mask tool with a few other options. From the upper, it will be the second one.

Step-4: Open view mood
Reliant on the colors of the photo you’re using, select a view mood of refine edge. For the hair transparent background, I suggest you use the white color. You can also use another mode and realize which one is best for your image as transparent background.

Step-5: Adjust the Edges
Now the selection is complete, but it’s not perfect yet. Still, now you can see gray areas in the hair section, and hair edges are bumpy. Have to adjust the hair edges to fix them.
Do slider value from left to right for making the edges of the selection softer and extra natural. Now you have to start with Radius. For the maximum part, the Radius determines the very last result.
Step-6: Refine edge Selection
Now it’s time to refine edge selection for hair transparent background. Also, if the Photoshop refine edge tool fails to give you the perfect selection, you must refine your selection. The first tool you’ll need is the Quick Selection Tool, which you’ll find in the Select and Mask box. Then press Shift+left click to add areas to your selection. And then press Alt+left click to remove details you don’t want to include.
If you still don’t get the photo you want, then use the Lasso tool. Using this, you can get your very smooth edge of hair and feather. For high contrast images, this tool works very well.
Step-7: Output your images and save transparent background
This is the last step of hair transparent background. Before the final output, you must purify the color to remove the color fringe. This step is needed when your subject is against a contrasting color background. Now you have to select a final output option. Be careful to choose your image format as .png because .png format gives you a transparent background in the photo. There’s no higher manner to select hair or fur than using the above tools in Photoshop. Practice with subjects from different backgrounds. The background impacts how hard making the selection will be. Start with uniform backgrounds and then make it transparent.

Hair Transparent Background: Conclusion
From the above, we can understand that there are many photo editing tools in photoshop, and you can use this for hair transparent background. But if you want to get the best result, you have to go for an online photo editor company like us. Edit picture online is a leading photo editing company in this section. So, if you want to get a unique photo than other’s, edit picture online is here for you.