Professional Product Retouching For E-commerce Business

The first and last secret of e-commerce business is product retouching and product retouching. There are many ways to retouch products, but you should choose the professional product retouching for your e-commerce business. It not only professionally increases your image quality but also increases sales. This blog will describe how to do the professional product retouching for e-commerce. Before starting the main discussion, we should learn what product retouching is. So, let’s begin with what this is.

What is product retouching?

Product retouching is an essential element in the e-commerce business. Product retouching makes images look very attractive, which can increase the sales volume in any e-commerce business. If you see any imperfection in your product image, like a scratch, slight drop, or any other unwanted mark, you can apply the product retouching method in Photoshop. Color change, some objects remove or add from background are also included in the product retouching. We can call Product retouching a secret weapon of e-commerce business.

How to do product retouching in Photoshop for E-commerce?

Now the question arises that how to do product retouching in Photoshop for E-commerce? In this process, you should have Photoshop (in any version) installed on your PC. There are various ways of product retouching like resizing, retouching, background remove, ghost mannequin, color change, shadows etc. Now we discuss the mentioned ways of retouching in short detail:



Resizing is the most basic edit methods for an image in Photoshop. E-commerce business owners prefer to resize the image according to their desire, as though they can use that image on their websites. By resizing an image, product focus can be shown on any website, attracting the visitor and eventually increasing his product sales volume.

Product Retouching

E-commerce Product Retouching
E-commerce Product Retouching

When a photographer shoots a product, there is some small scratch on the surface, or an unwanted object appears in the background, which can hamper the visitor’s attention into. By the retouching the small scratch and unwanted objects, the product appears very attractive which is very essential in any e-commerce business.

Background remove

Background Remove

Background removal is one of the best editing techniques of Photoshop. With the background removal service, you isolate the product image from the background, and then you can add any other colors or background to the product image. In an e-commerce business, product background removal plays a vital role because the shop owner can show his particular shop logo and brand logo which improves his business value.

Ghost Mannequin

Ghost Mannequin
Ghost Mannequin

Using mannequin in any product images is a very fruitful and cost-effective way to promote the product. Using the ghost mannequin, the product shows a more professional and effective shape. This can increase the desirability of an e-commerce product image. Mannequin is used specially for clothing images. After the photo shoot, the shop owner wants to remove the mannequin from the product image so that he can show his image focus to the clients. So, ghost mannequins play a vital role in an e-commerce business.

Color Change

Color Change

Color change or color correction is a very important topic for a product image for e-commerce. When a photographer takes a snap for a product, the image color may be different from the original product. On the other hand, the shop owner needs different colors for a particular style. In this regard, we need to apply the color change method on a computer screen using Photoshop to get the product’s color accuracy.


Drop Shadow Service
Drop Shadow Service

In product photography for an e-commerce business, shadows or reflections play into the realism of your product, which later translates into its credibility in a buyer’s mind. A drop shadow for an image of a product undoubtedly appears to be natural-looking. By using shadow, the product image looks more attractive to the buyers. Buyers spend their time on any website to buy products. If the visual image does not attract them, they do not buy any product. So, product shadows are significant to any e-commerce business.

What is the difference between retouching and editing?

There are some differences between photo editing and retouching. Editing means changing the image using different tools like light adjustment, resizing, cropping, temperature, exposure, contrast, white balance, and straightening in a short time. On the other hand, retouching is the top editing process that creates a fantastic style. This process is out of basic photo adjustment. For example, with the model images, you must use extra tools to make the skin smoother and blemish-free. In this regard, there is a need to use different software. In this way, it needs more time rather than editing. Eventually, there will be no minor difference between retouching and editing. The main motto is to have an image that looks attractive and artistic.

Product Retouching Cost

Product photo retouching service is an essential topic for modern business. So, product retouching costs are susceptible to competition. Editpictureonline always offers affordable prices and quality services. The basic product retouching starts at USD 0.65/image. The cost depends mainly on image complexity and quantity. If the quantity exceeds 500 images, then Editpictureonline offers a special discount as a bulk order. If anyone is interested in asking about the cost, he can see our regular price list in the pricing edit picture online.


Moreover, a professional photo retouching service from us can boost your e-commerce sales growth. We have almost 14+ years experience in this photo editing field. You can try our free trial before placing your order to make sure our work is perfect for you. We do all kinds of photo editing services in our company, all those service mentions in our website service page. Also, we have 70+ professional experienced employees in our office to deliver the top notch service. Let us make your ecommerce business grow together. If you have any confusion we have a 24/7 support system for you.

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