Professional Automotive Retouching Services

Every portion of your car or automotive requires professional automotive retouching services to attract their individual customers. Including lighting, proper color correction, detailed clipping, polish, and effects to reach the buyers’ intent you want to discover it. Highly skilled and experienced Automotive image retouchers of Editpictureonline can convert your photography to an acquaintance that increases your sales volume.

What is Automotive Retouching?

Automotive or car retouching means the process of enhancing and perfecting images of a car’s interior or exterior by using skilled editing techniques. Also, this technique is normally used in the automotive sector for marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes. If you are a car dealer or showroom owner, your aim is to present your car in the best possible way, such as cleaning and polishing, lighting and reflection adjustments, background removal or add effects, color correction, and so on.

Types of Automotive Retouching Services We Offer

Epo has 10 years of experience in the photo editing of automotive retouching services. For promotion purposes,  automotive showroom owners or dealers need to enhance their car photos to gain the attention of car buyers. Editpictureonline offers various types of services that are stated below:

  • Color correction and Grading services
  • Background removal or Replacement
  • Reflection and Shadow management
  • Detail enhancement
  • Imperfection removal

Now, I discuss the importance of automotive or car retouching services in short detail.

Color Correction and Grading

Color correction and grading are the core editing services for automotive photos, which enhance and adjust the colors and overall looks of car images. This process ensures that the photos are visually accurate, appealing, and persistent with the natural look. For automotive advertising, marketing, and editorial purposes, this process is essential as it can significantly increase the visual impact of automotive images. By the process of white balance and exposure adjustment, enhancing saturation and vibrancy, and tuning highlights and shadows, it takes to professional looks. Also, by providing color correction and grading services for automotive or car images, you can ensure that the vehicles are presented in the proper light and enhance their appeal by exposing their best qualities.

Background Removal and Replacement

Background removal and replacement for automotive or car images is an one of the most essential automotive retouching services that improves the car’s visual appeal by changing it into a more attractive or suitable environment. So, this technique is widely used for car marketing, advertising, and editorial purposes to create a strong impression that attracts the buyer’s attention. Also, you need to change the background if you are a car shop owner or dealer. When a photographer takes a snap of a vehicle, some unwanted objects appear around the background. In this regard, there is a need to change the background or replace another background to keep the buyer’s attraction. If you remove or replace the background of your car photo with Photoshop experts, your sales will be increased undoubtedly. In this case, you also use Editpictureonline’s expertise service.

Reflection and Shadow Management

Reflection and drop shadow management for vehicle photos are vital for creating a realistic presentation of an automobile or car. Also, if you want to enhance your car’s appearance, you should handle the reflections and shadows the proper way. It highlights the various portions of a product and ensures the photo looks polished and professional. By controlling or adjusting the natural reflection of a car photo, you can see the surrounding objects or lights properly. Also sometimes, you need to add or remove some artificial reflection to increase the image’s visuality. By managing reflections and shadows expertly, you can create outstanding images that affect the car’s design and appeal and help for marketing, advertising, and editorial purposes.

Detail Enhancement

For vehicle or car images, detail enhancement plays a vital role in highlighting and elevating the sophisticated features of a car to ensure it looks its best in photographs. This automotive retouching services includes enhancing texture and sharpening details. It gives importance to vehicle aspects such as the paint job, wheels, and interior or exterior elements. By sharpening details, it looks to pay the buyer’s attention. Surface texture enhancement increases the contrast and clarity of car images. Material details like the car’s construction, leather, chrome, and fabric also need to be focused in the right way to attract the buyer’s attention. Highlighting features such as lights and grilles, wheel and tire details, and interior elements need to be enhanced. Following this process, you can improve the sales volume.

Imperfection Removal

Imperfection removal plays a vital role in the automotive business. After the photo shoot, a photographer notices unwanted objects such as reflections, dents, dust, scratches, and other blemishes in a car image, which presents an imperfect and appealing photo of the car. This process is essential for automotive marketing and advertising, ensuring the vehicle looks spotless and attractive to influential buyers.

Benefits of Professional  Automotive Photo Retouching

Professional automotive photo retouching services has numerous benefits that improve the eye-catching appeal and marketability of automotive images. Now, I wanted to write down some advantages of professional car photo retouching:

  1. Improves visual appeal
  2. Increases Marketability
  3. Highlights Key features
  4. Improves imperfection
  5. Time and cost efficiency
  6. Enhances online Presence
  7. Competitive advantage

Steps in the Automotive Retouching Process

In this stage, I want to describe some steps of an automotive retouching process in Adobe Photoshop that enhance and perfect car images. Here, I am describing the guidelines below:

For automotive retouching services open the car image in Adobe Photoshop, which is already installed on your computer. Create a duplicate layer(Ctrl+J) as though your main image remains untouched. Try to detect imperfections such as scratches, dust, reflections, and lighting issues.

  1. Crop and straighten the image by using the Crop Tool to trim unnecessary parts of the image.
  2. You can adjust the white balance using the Camera Raw Filter for accurate color presentation.
  3. Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool to remove small spots and dust portions. For larger areas, use the Patch Tool or the Clone Stamp Tool.
  4. Use the Clone Stamp Tool or Healing Brush Tool to cover scratches and dents by sampling from clean areas.
  5. Using the Patch Tool or Content-Aware fill, you can remove unwanted reflections.
  6. For Color Correction and Enhancement purpose use the Levels(Ctrl+L) and Curves(Ctrl+M) adjustments to correct the overall exposure and color contrast. After that, use the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer(Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Hue/Saturation to tweak colors. Then, adjust individual color channels to achieve the desired look.
  7. Using the Dodge Tool(O), you can lighten highlights and the Burn Tool(O) to darken shadows, adding depth and shine to the paint and metal surfaces. Use the Unsharp Mask(Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask) or smart Sharpen(Filter>Sharpen>Smart Sharpen) to enhance image sharpening
  8. By using Clone Stamp Tool, Healing Brush Tool, or Content-Aware fill, you can remove the unwanted elements from the background. Use the Pen Tool or Quick Selection Tool(W) to replace the background.
  9. By using the Brush Tool(B) with a soft brush and lower opacity, you can create realistic shadows. Use the Brush Tool or Dodge and Burn Tools to enhance or add on the car’s surface.
  10. Finally, zoom in and out to check the image for any remaining imperfections. Then, export the final image in your desired format, such as JPEG or PNG.


By following these processes, automotive images reach a standard level. Car dealerships, manufacturers, and photographers can take advantage of automotive photo retouching services.  By this way,they can enhance the visual appeal of their car images, making them more attractive to buyers and effectively supporting marketing and sales volumes.

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